Friday, July 13, 2007

ThOrNs On My WaY

I feel so cold and lonely today,
even after the beautiful rain washed these tears away.
they say,we're there for you,
and when time comes,all I find is me and the blue.
sometimes I say to myself I won't care for anyone,
damn why god made me human.
this darkness gives me relief,
cos' no one can see my grief.
like an ugly thorn on a rose,
I hang on to someone close.
give me pain,hurt me,
Im a self sadist,who loves ME.
take me with you O winds,
break me into pieces and leave no mark to see.
For thorns on my way are endless,
and Im weak enough to Bleed..

Sunday, July 08, 2007

CoMmEmOrAtIoNs...of childhood...
up on a hill,
there sat a girl who looked ill.
because of all the conflicts in her house,
she kept quiet and sat in a corner like a frightened mouse.
she wanted to say a lot to the people
cos' she was pinched much deeper.
she could'nt speak a word
because she knew that her parents would cut her with a sword.
she kept on taking inside all the sorrows,
and she knew that for her there won't come happy tomorrows.
her parents did'nt even bother,
as they were busy fighting with each other.
one day the girl decided to go to the lord,
and ask him that why she got a life o god.
her parents realised,
that they had finished their own child's life
& from then they never got wild.
but all in vain,cos' they had already
lost their only child...
The Rain
the rain is falling down the lane,
a few drops are also splashing on my window pane.
I can feel their intoxicating smell,
as the beautiful raindrops fell.
The air has become so fresh,
i can feel it through my flesh.
Some are big some are small,
these raindrops are rolling on the ramp like a ball.
Every person likes the rain,
and forgets all the sorrows and all the pains.
I wish the rain would never stop,
and keeps falling on my house top...
A Girl
always discriminated,
she is also eliminated,
from everywork she does,
except the kitchen work that she must!
she always has to bear,
of which the society does'nt care.
what bad has she done,
that to face the ills of the society
she has to be the one?
her parents don't bother about her,
and jus dump her in any corner of the earth!
she is never respected,
so is always suspected.
but it is the girl,
who is fair and mild.
soft-spoken,she is a love's token.
people don't realise the need of a girl,
but there will a day come when for
a girl child they will go wild!!
The Bloomin' Flowers
the flowers used to bloom in the fields,
the pink ones the field yields!
like the small children growing
with their brothers and sisters,
they used to shake like
as they wait in the dry plains,
for the cool rains!
to bloom once again
in the fields,
but now all the ones the field yields!!!!
The Robber
in the middle of the night,
there came a man who was'nt alright!
he had to rob a small happy house,
where lived his own spouse.
tears trembling off his eyes,
he went inside with disguise.
he took as little as he could,
because it was his own house in which he stood.
he kissed his wife & confessed,
that he has robbed his own nest.
as he came out of the house,
a strong lightning aroused.
it hit the tree beside which he was, a second the man's life was lost.
I'll stand by
whenever there is a need,
and there's no one beside,
i'll always stand by.
whenever you feel weak,
and there's no one to peek,
i'll always stand by.
whenever you are sad,
and there's no one to make you glad,
i'll always stand by.
keep trust in me please,
cos' i promise i'll always help you ease!
I feel I can fly
i feel i can fly
in the beautiful skies,
like the birds and butterflies
i feel i can fly
through the fresh air and clouds
which are as pure as life
i feel i can fly
in the shadow of nature
under the morning sun
i feel i can fly
around the earth
and by the clouds
i feel i can fly
like the dry leaves
as they fall down after they die
i feel i can fly
with my arms wide open
as you see me go by
i feel i can fly
like fairies do
with their friends beside
i feel i can fly....
it is a ship that can never drown,
and is a friend's crown.
one can never afford to break it,
as it is really difficult to make it.
it is the reason for a smile,
and lasts for hundreds of miles.
you have to make it as strong as you can,
because it is in the heart of every man.
it is like a shining star in the big sky,
which you have to capture by jumping high.
never ignore it,
and try to make more like it.
cos' when you want it,you need!
you'll always get the best of it.
it is "friendship" that can never drown,
and never lets you frown.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Why Live Long?
they say that life is short,
I don't think so,
infact I feel its long enough,
to give you back what you sow.

have you looked at the life of a miser?
praying each night,
praying to god to take his life,
or wanders around to gain some might.

it's not easy,
to live in this world,
either you get transformed into a beast,
or you change others.

all are social animals,
hiding those fires of rage inside,
hypocriting the impressions of called friends
and hit them hard,
when the moment strikes.

here all are needy,
for the blood of others,
keep the trigger on their loved ones,
all feelings wither.

you still need to live more you animal
and suckle like parasites on each other?
leave thise world as soon as possible,
for it can reduce your sins my brother!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

You're Magic
came into my world as a dream,
never knew we'd become friends or more than that,
you struck my heart with one go,
you're magic!
never felt like this before,
I was as tough as stone,you melted me,
how.i don't know.
life became beautiful,
you're magic!
I knew we could'nt belong together forever,
but I loved loving you,
you became an addiction,
you're magic!
wish you keep loving me,
wish i lose my breath the day you betray me,
your love made me human,
you're magic!
the best thing that happened to me ever,
can't affor to lose you,
you're the best!
you're magic!
want you more than myself my love,i mean it,
crave for you day and night,
you rule my senses,its strange bt,
you're magic! yes you are...

It's DaRkNeSs
What I see in dreams,
the one i feel close to me,
where the sky ends,
It's darkness,
It's darkness.
It's all mine,
when I'm crimson and when I'm fade,
what brings me fear,
It's darkness,
It's darkness.
The most intimate,
the one that hides my secrets,
what no one can take from me,
It's darkness,
It's darkness.
When pain has come to day,
and heart pounds and sways,
what hides those tears,
Yes,it's darkness,
It's darness.
Things when don't seem clear,
when I feel there's no one to share,
who comes to the rescue,
It's darkness,
It's darkness.
The one I love and the one for which i rove,
It's darkness,
Yes it is.....Darkness!